Finding or Inviting Friends in Simpli5 Relationships

Finding or Inviting Friends in Simpli5 Relationships

Finding Friends already in Simpli5 Relationships

In the main header bar on any page, use the search bar to "Find friends by name or email." If that person has a profile in the application, simply tap the Add Friend button to ask that person to connect with you. This doesn't use an available invitation.
In the search bar, use partial search strings to broaden your search results. The search bar does not use wildcards.
If you are already connected with a person, tapping on their name in the search bar takes you directly to their profile.

Inviting Friends to Simpli5 Relationships

If your friend doesn't appear in the search results, as described above, tap the Invite Friends via Email option in the search results. Alternatively, near the bottom of the home page, below the list of My Relationships, is the Invite Friends button.

In both locations, the application will specify how many available invitations you have. Tap the button to invite a friend via email.

At the next screen, enter your friend's information then tap the Send button. You will receive a confirmation message, and back at the home page the person will now be listed under My Relationships as a pending request. If you change your mind, tap the Delete Request button and that friend request will be removed, returning the invitation to your available pool.
Connecting with someone who has already joined Simpli5 Relationships does NOT use one of your available invitations.
If you have friends in Simpli5 (corporate), encourage them to log in to Simpli5 and register for Relationships, like you did, and then to connect with you in the application. This will save invitations you can use for other people.

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