My Relationships content

My Relationships content

At the home page, the My Relationships section lists your connections and those with whom you have pending invitations.

Header Bar

The person's avatar, birthday, and bio appear in the header bar.

To remove your connection with someone, tap the connection icon (see below) and select "Remove." A popup message will ask you to confirm.

Saved Advice

If you have starred any advice from the decoders, it will appear in this section between the person's header and their content. To remove advice from this list, tap the star to remove it. See the section "Decoders" below for more information and for details on how to add advice to this list.

Friend Motto and Description

A basic description of your friend, based on the results of the 5 Dynamics Starting Point assessment. This assessment measures how a person prefers to get things done and the amount of energy that person expends on different types of tasks.
If someone has no content when you tap a name, then this person has not yet completed the assessment. Check back later to view the content.


More specific advice for your relationship with someone, depending on the role you have with that person. These Decoders are available to you:
  1. Relationship Decoder. General advice, regardless of the person's role in your life.
  2. Friend/Family Decoder. Advice for friends and family members.
  3. Dating Decoder. Advice for dating relationships.
  4. Significant Other Decoder. Advice for significant others.
Within each Decoder page, tap the star next to a piece of advice to add it to the Saved Advice section on the previous page.

Friend of a Friend

Below the Decoders, is a list of your friend's connections. You can use this list to easily Add Friends.
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